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Are license plate stickers legal?

Are you tempted to show your pride for your favorite department by sticking a sticker on your license plate?

The law is clear, it is "normally" forbidden to stick stickers on your license plate.
However, law enforcement largely tolerates this practice as long as you remain courteous to them and it does not interfere with vehicle identification and cause accidents.

In 2009, the new Vehicle Registration System was defined by the decree of 9 February. According to article 9, the form of the territorial identifier is free, which means that you can choose your department and inherent official regional logo.
However, article 10 prohibits modifying the plate, because it must remain legible so that the forces of order can identify you without difficulty.
The offense is punishable by a 4th category fine, ranging from 90 to 375€.

Annexes 2 to 5 stipulate that the territorial identifier is optional.
You can therefore have plates without a territorial identifier to the right of your mineralogical identifier.
Also note that the department number no longer appears on the gray card. In addition, if the left part of the plate must imperatively have a reflective blue background displaying the "F" and the European symbol, the right part of the territorial identifier is not necessarily on a reflective blue background.

So, if you want to show your attachment to your favorite department, make sure your sticker does not interfere with the reading of your license plate.